A Painting

This painting hasn't come out how I wanted it to but it's all good practice. I would spend more time on it but I think I'd rather use the time starting a new painting altogether. I must admit I have struggled finding the time to do any painting at all over the past couple of weeks - now that my Monday & Friday evenings have gone and I try and squeeze in workout sessions after work on Tuesday and Thursday, the only evening I have completely free to really focus on it is Wednesday. Weekends should be much less busy in the coming weeks so hopefully I can dedicate these to arty stuff.

Excuse the slight glare on the last picture - not the best quality pictures (took them on my phone because I'm lazy). 

I had my MA induction yesterday which was good. The univesity has lots of amazing facilities I'm looking forward to trying out. Very excited to get back in the dark room too at some stage.